

Dear ARLIS/NA Friends and Colleagues,

The 2022 Conference Planning Advisory Committee invites you to attend an upcoming virtual town hall meeting dedicated to the fiftieth-anniversary conference in April in Chicago. This event is offered in conjunction with the launch of early registration this week.

January 19, 2022

10-11am Central Time

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 859 5523 9720

Passcode: RbxhR1

Dial by your location

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 859 5523 9720

Passcode: 160041

Topics of discussion will include: COVID-related guidelines and planning; a review of the program, events, workshops, and tours; anniversary-related celebrations; website features and updates; a call for volunteers; and the registration process and important dates. We look forward to discussing all these with you and taking your questions.

My best regards on behalf of the entire CPAC team,

Mark Pompelia

MARK POMPELIA | Visual + Material Resource Librarian | Librarian IV
Rhode Island School of Design Fleet Library |
Digital Commons @ RISD | MATERIAL ORDER
Treasurer, RISD Full-Time Faculty Association

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