

Dear ARLIS/NA Members and Friends,

I am pleased to report that we have passed the halfway mark towards our fundraising goal for the $50K for 50 Years Fund! This is thanks in large part to many of you making year-end contributions, for which I and the rest of the ARLIS/NA leadership (including the Fiftieth Anniversary Task Force) are profoundly grateful. 

As a reminder, the purpose of this money is to support an internship for early career librarians of color. We are now in a new tax year and our anniversary conference is drawing closer. We could really use your help to get us the rest of the way to our goal. If you have already contributed, please talk with your friends and colleagues and encourage them to consider making a donation.

All contributions count towards Society Circle membership, in addition to showing your commitment to diversifying librarianship and supporting career paths for future colleagues. If you have questions about this or our funding priorities, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Development Committee.

My continued thanks,

MARK POMPELIA | Visual + Material Resource Librarian | Librarian IV
Rhode Island School of Design Fleet Library |
Digital Commons @ RISD | MATERIAL ORDER
Treasurer, RISD Full-Time Faculty Association

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