

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Travel Awards Subcommittee is accepting applications for the ARLIS/NA Conference Attendance and Travel Awards to support attendance at the ARLIS/NA 50th annual conference in Chicago, IL on April 5-9, 2022. This is your final reminder that applications for the Student Diversity Award for Conference Attendance and the Howard Karno Award are due on Friday, January 28, 2022. All other travel awards are closed. 

Applicants may apply through this form: 

Full details below. Please get in touch with Travel Awards Subcommittee chair, Courtney Stine, at [log in to unmask] if you have any questions.

Awards Open to All Eligible Applicants

Since these awards are open to all eligible applicants (including non-ARLIS members), please share broadly with anyone who may be qualified or interested.

Student Diversity Award for Conference Attendance (1 award/$1000)

Eligibility: Students from a traditionally under-represented group who are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Library Studies and/or Information Studies or have recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation). To be considered for the award, applicants must meet the following criteria:

ˇ Be enrolled as a graduate student in Library Studies or Information Studies or recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation)

ˇ Be one of the following:

ˇ Be interested in career in art librarianship/visual resources

A mentor from the ARLIS/NA Diversity Committee, who will facilitate the recipient's attendance at the Conference, will be assigned to the recipient of the award prior to the Conference. The recipient will write a brief post-conference report evaluating their conference experience.

Purpose: To encourage multicultural students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources to participate in the activities of ARLIS/NA.

Howard Karno Award (1 award/$1000)

Eligibility: Art librarians residing in Latin America or Art Librarians residing in North America working with significant Latin American art/architecture research collections or researching subjects or themes related to Latin American art/architecture. Purpose: To encourage professional development of art librarians who work to advance the study of Latin American art through interaction with ARLIS/NA colleagues and conference participation.

The recipient will write a brief post-conference report evaluating their conference experience.

All the best,

The ARLIS/NA Travel Awards Subcommittee

Courtney Stine (chair)

Maryke H. Berber

Patricia Gimenez

Jenna Dufour

Ian McDermott

Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]