

2022 Lois Swan Jones Professional Development Award Announcement

Amount: $1000.00

Deadline: February 4th, 2022

The ARLIS/NA Texas-Mexico Chapter is pleased to announce the 2022 Lois Swan Jones Professional Development Award, which supports attendance and participation in the ARLIS/NA 50th annual conference to be held in Chicago, Illinois April 5-9, 2022.


  *   Applicant must be a member in good standing of ARLIS/NA. This year's award will also include one year of membership in the ARLIS Texas-Mexico chapter, required for eligibility.
  *   Applicants who are fully funded to attend the conference through their institution of employment or education are not eligible.
  *   Applicant may live outside of Texas or Mexico.
  *   Applicant is eligible even if the member has previously received the award. The committee shall consider the merits of the individual application independent of past decisions.

Application Procedure:

  *   Applicant should submit a letter of application and CV/Resume to the award committee chair via email (Lauren Gottlieb-Miller at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). The letter must include a statement explaining eligibility and interest, the amount of expected institutional funding (if any) for conference attendance, and proposed conference program involvement.
  *   Deadline for 2022 Award submissions is February 4th, 2022. The award this year is $1000.00

A description of the award, application procedure and selection factors, and a list of previous recipients can be found on the Chapter's website: and information about the 2022 annual conference can be found here:

2022 Lois Swan Jones Award Committee:

Lauren Gottlieb-Miller (Chair) - The Menil Collection

Shari Salisbury - The University of Texas at San Antonio

Kathleen Alleman - Dallas Museum of Art
Sarah de la Rosa - Sul Ross State University - Del Rio

Submitted by Lauren Gottlieb-Miller, Chair of 2022 Lois Swan Jones Professional Development Award Committee.

Lauren Gottlieb-Miller

1511 Branard Street
Houston, Texas 77006

Pronouns: she, her, hers

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