

The electronic edition of Art Documentation Fall 2021 (v. 40, no. 2) is now available to ARLIS/NA members through the members-only section of the ARLIS/NA website. The print copies have been mailed and will be arriving in mailboxes shortly.

To access the electronic version, go to, click on the Members-Only Access to Art Documentation link, then sign in. If you are having trouble logging in, contact the ARLIS/NA headquarters office at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or 978-674-6211.

The table of contents for the Fall 2021 issue appears below.

It is with deep gratitude and a sense of sadness that I announce Eileen Markson’s departure from Art Documentation. Eileen has served as the journal’s exceptional copy editor for twenty-five (!) years, working with six different editors and producing forty-nine issues of the publication. She helped countless authors bring clarity and poetry to their words. Eileen has been a guiding force, and I will miss her wisdom, hard questions, eagle eye—and most of all her friendship. Enjoy the next chapter in your life, Eileen!



Judy Dyki


Director of Academic Programs and Library

Cranbrook Academy of Art and Art Museum

39221 Woodward Avenue, Box 801

Bloomfield Hills, MI   48303-0801

248-645-3364  phone

248-645-3464  fax

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  e-mail


Table of Contents

Artist Catalogs: An Approach to the Foundations of an Artistic Genre
Salvador Haro González

Why Have There Been No Great Art Libraries: The Role of Radical Cataloging in the Reassessment of Art History
Janna Singer-Baefsky

The Contingency and Fiction of Performance Art Documentation: Theory and Practice
Małgorzata Kaźmierczak

Computer Vision for Visual Arts Collection: Looking at Algorithmic Bias, Transparency, and Labor
Jessica Craig

The Work of Art in the Age of Neural Reproduction
Ana Peraica

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloth: The Collection Management and Descriptive Cataloging of Publishers’ Bindings in Research Libraries
Chris Fripp

Explorations in Library Design: A Study of Master of Architecture Thesis Projects
Cathryn Copper

Core or Not: Redefining the AASL List of Periodicals
Rose Orcutt, Kathy Edwards, Lucy Campbell, Barbara Ann Opar

Framing a Gallery Program: Integrating the ACRL Framework into a University Library Art Gallery
Loretta Esparza, Catherine Fonseca, Mary Wegmann

Fashioning the Framework: Information Literacy for Fashion Studies
Laura B. Thompson

Demand-Driven Acquisition for an Academic Architecture Library Collection: A Case Study and Commentary
Hillary Veeder

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