I have been asked by a colleague to reach out to my networks to ask if you have any recommendations for a text-to-text transcription service. See details below, and apologies for any duplication!


“We’re searching for a text-to-text transcription service that specializes in, or is at least very familiar, with working with scans of archival materials. They should be able to work with scans of hand-written materials, scrapbooks, older/unusual textual materials, etc. – materials that cannot be OCR-ed, or lead to very poor OCR in need of a great deal of manual remediation. Our PDF remediation vendor suggested looking for a text-to-text transcription service that has people on staff who type 200+ words per minute with 99+% accuracy that would be able to quickly apply a searchable, selectable, readable text layer on top of scanned images (but our vendor did not have any particular service providers they could recommend).”


Thanks for any leads!



Jasmine Burns (they/she)

Visual Resources Metadata Librarian

Library Technical Services

Cornell University


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