

Dear ARLIS/NA members,


The ARLIS/NA Nominating Committee is pleased to announce that the following members have been elected to the 2022 Executive Board. The Nominating Committee received only positive comments concerning the slate, and thus the candidates were elected by acclamation. Their terms of office will begin at the membership meeting at our 50th annual conference in Chicago, April 5-9, 2022.


Vice President/President-elect: Rachel Resnik

Treasurer: Karyn Hinkle

Education Liaison: Carla-Mae Crookendale

Canadian Liaison: Pierre B. Landry


A full announcement with detailed information about the new board members is available on the ARLIS/NA website at


Please join us in congratulating Rachel, Karyn, Carla-Mae, and Pierre! We would also like to thank those individuals who put forth nominations this year. The willingness of our colleagues to serve our Society speaks to the deep commitment that so many of us feel towards our profession, and is a hopeful sign during these challenging times.


I also wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the members of the Nominating Committee: Sally McKay, Jane Devine Mejia, and Gregg Most, for their tireless dedication and thoughtful approach during this process. 


Congratulations to our new Board members!


Jon Evans

Chair, 2021 Nominating Committee




Jon Evans

Chief of Libraries & Archives

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

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