Dear colleagues,

I wanted to draw your attention to my interview today on my radio/podcast program, The Library Cafe, of Aaron Sinift and his co-curators/editors Kahkashan Kahn and Jitendra Kumar on their artists' book OTHER IMAGININGS that I am currently exhibiting in my library.  The book itself is a window into the world of its origins, both geographically and materially, and is a wonderful harbinger of their next project, a seed-to-kahdi project where the support for the book is being grown on Gandhi ashrams from seeds.  For my community here the exhibition is of keen interest to programs across the curriculum, including art, media studies, Asian studies, environmental studies, and economics.  I've never really encountered another artist book quite like it as a matter of reach and community.  The interview will be available streamed live today at noon and in podcast (it is already posted) on the Library Cafe website here:  Other episodes this term, including interviews with Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center curators about recent exhibitions and also the interviews with art historian extraordinaires Dora Apel and Suzann Preston Blier about their most recent books might also be of interest.




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