


A student is trying to find more sources that offer insight into the experiences of undocumented people in New York City in the context of ICE’s efforts at mass criminalization and social control since 2003.


The student is interested in cultural source since they provide the most useful lens to authentically capture the voices of undocumented folks in contrast to traditional primary sources (court cases, government documents, etc.). The student has found a few protest songs written by undocumented immigrants that have been very useful, as well as organizations focused on immigrant advocacy using the arts. But given the sheer number of undocumented folks living in NYC, we conjecture there is a lot more to find in the cultural sphere, including graffiti, poetry, and theater. 


Student will also search the following:


I welcome any specific examples or help/ideas for additional searching. 

Please respond directly to me, Kim Collins, [log in to unmask]





Kim Collins

Director of Research & Engagement Services (RES), 

Art History and Classics Librarian 

Robert W Woodruff Library, Emory University

(404)727-2997, [log in to unmask]




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