Appealing to library wisdom: this feels like a silly question, but does tattle tape dry out and lose its stickiness? I do not often use tattle tape myself, but one of our library student workers who does book labeling and wrapping for us pointed out that our tattle tape was no longer sticky. I checked, we have three full boxes, and they are, indeed, not sticky at all. We bought these boxes pre-pandemic or perhaps earlier, so it's been sitting for some time now. I didn't think it had a shelf life, though! I am just wondering before we buy more (it's not cheap!) if we're imagining anything or there's something we're missing.

All the best,

Chantal Sulkow
Acquisitions Librarian
Bard Graduate Center
Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture
38 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024
T 212-501-3039   

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