


Registration is now open for the We Here Community School asynchronous course, "Words on Display: Curating Library Exhibitions," with Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler. 

Shortened Description
This course examines exhibitions in theory and practice, focusing on the work of curators, including conceptualization, selection, interpretation, and politics of display. In particular, the class will discuss the unique challenges of presenting a book-based (or word-based) exhibition within library spaces. Both physical and online exhibits will be discussed. 

This course runs for 4-weeks, from February 1 - March 1, 2022. Asynchronous courses require participants to login to our Learning Management System to view instructional materials each week at any time you choose. In other words, you learn on your own schedule, within the weeks the course is offered. The instructional designer will also offer optional 'office hours' to connect synchronously. 

Read more, including the full event description, format and technical requirements, pricing and refund policy, accessibility, about the instructional designer, and more on the registration page


Jennifer Ferretti '07 (she/her/hers)
Previously a librarian at MICA's Decker Library & MICA Alum
Founder & Principal of We Here LLC
Creative Director of up//root: a we here publication
Twitter @citythatreads // Insta @thecitythatreads

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