ARLIS/NA Community, 

As we are halfway through the month – just a reminder:

With the midyear Executive Board meeting taking place next month, now is the time to submit budget requests for next year's annual budget. Initiatives aligned with the strategic directions of the society will be prioritized, but all requests that meet the guidelines are welcome. 

Additionally, if your chapter, committee, division, section, or special interest group has current operational budget needs, you may submit an immediate special funding request at any time. These requests will be considered by the board on a month-to-month basis, and funds will be available upon approval.  

Reminders for annual special funding requests will continue on a regular basis until the October 1st deadline. The Funding Request Guidelines and forms are up on the ARLIS/NA web site:  

Please submit applications electronically via the website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. 

Doug Litts

ARLIS/NA Treasurer

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