Hello all,


I have a faculty member who is seeking a supposed catalogue called “Prints into Drawings: It is about the drawing,” for a show at the Whitney museum in 2005. I’m not sure it’s even a catalogue—the only record I can find is an entry in Worldcat which describes it as only 6 leaves, including an introduction and checklist, so it might be more of a brochure. No Worldcat libraries have it. Might anyone have this thing in their collection? I don’t know how much value it will have, but I figured it’s worth a shot to see if it’s out there!


Thank you kindly,



/ / / / / / /

Annie Sollinger

Visual Archivist & Librarian for Art History

Special Collections and University Archives, Du Bois Library

UMass Amherst


My pronouns: she/her/hers



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