

The ARLIS/NA book,Fair Use in the Visual Arts: Lesson Plans for Librarians, is a fantastic resource. The pdf download  is found here:

The book has some great ideas – I combined a couple of the different chapters and created a 3-class series for some of the studio art classes, one of which focused on transformation of art and another on copyright, fair use, and public domain. One of the examples is the Cariou v. Prince case.



Bonnie Finn | Fine Arts Librarian

College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University

Clemens Library B102

(320) 363-5513 (voicemail only)

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Pronouns: she/her/hers

These colleges lie at the intersection of the Mdewakanton, Anishinabewaki, and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ lands.

Whose land are you on?


From: ARLIS/NA List <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Nina Bogdanovsky
Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 4:14 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [ARLIS-L] original artwork/appropriation


Dear colleagues,


Our library received a question from one of the Studio Art faculty regarding the use of source imagery in creation of original artwork.


He would like us to create a resource that would outline what is an "original" artwork, what is "appropriation", "fair use", and what is

the definition of the outright plagiarism of an image.   He also brings up some recent high profile cases (listed at the end) and also refers to a lot of other artists who legitimately appropriate art starting with Marcel Duchamp,

Sherrie Levine and so forths.


I am curious if you as Art Librarians provide expertise/guidelines on this and if so, do you have good resources you could share with me?


These are the cases he mentions:


Many thanks!


Nina Bogdanovsky

Visual & Performing Arts,

Media Librarian



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Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]