

Please Join Maria G Pisano in the Altering the Page Accordion Book virtual workshop on Thursday August  5, 10-12pm ET  -details at: <>

The accordion book structure is a flexible form that is adaptable to many book themes, and one is the Altered Page Accordion Book. A blank page holds a lot of potential – one can alter it via folding, cutting, collaging, adding and subtracting parts, and more. Learn about sequencing, layering and folding which in turn will be assembled to become part of an accordion book you’ve created with your unique designs. Do you acquire and save ephemera in your travels and daily life, do you have lots of beautiful papers and scraps that you saved for a special project, any old prints that you want to repurpose? We will use all your stored riches to collage the pages and create a new work to store them in. 

Hope to see you there

Maria G Pisano
Memory Press
MGP Studio Arts

Curator: Crossroads: Book Artists Impassioned Response to Immigration, Human Rights and Our Environment - Hunterdon Museum of Art - May - September 2021.

"All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary. In no case would it have been possible, once the deed was done, to prove that any falsification had taken place." 1984 by George Orwell  

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