July 1, 2021

Dear ARLIS/NA Members and Colleagues,


I write this first message as Society president having just signed the hotel contract for the 2022 annual conference in Chicago. It’s a mundane thing … except when it’s not. There is nothing mundane about 2022: it will be our return to an in-person conference and all the camaraderie that brings and the celebration of the Society’s 50th anniversary of our spirited founding in that broad-shouldered city. You can imagine that negotiating a hotel contract as the privileged nations of the world emerge from the pandemic is a challenging endeavor; to do so less than ten months in advance is unprecedented unheard of [I hate a dangling preposition but in respect to former Secretary (now Documentation Committee Chair) Rachel Resnik, I won’t use that word]. McKenna Management, specifically Megan Brouwer, ensured contract safeguards for the Society that will protect us and mitigate inherent risks. She worked closely with Chicago CPAC Co-chairs Alexis Burson, Melanie Emerson, Jamie Lausch, and Cara List, who provided the literal groundwork for identifying and securing our conference hotel in addition to other important work such as the imminent call for program proposals. For now, please plan to be at the Hyatt Regency Chicago from April 5-9, 2022 for $189 per night, single or double occupancy.


While I’m on the topic, McKenna has renegotiated our Montreal conference hotel commitment from May 2021 to May 2026 with full support and enthusiasm of that chapter —merci! And my obligation as a member of the Texas-Mexico Chapter requires me to inform you that the remainder of this year will involve the venue selection and signing of a hotel contract for 2023 in Mexico City. We can look forward in so many ways thanks to so many of you.


This abundance of development is not without challenge: the executive board and the management firm are aware of the resulting disappointments from two virtual conferences. At the same time, we are hearing how an online program allowed for a sizable increase in new members and first-timers to attend —they are vital for the success and future of the Society. In addition, the virtual conference provided increased accessibility to more sessions and content than one could realize at an in-person conference. Much of our work this summer will involve how to satisfy all the rightful expectations that our members and exhibitors have when coming to the annual conference.


The member volunteer recruitment process conducted earlier this spring saw several seats unfilled. Committee chairs will recruit for any remaining vacancies by posting to ARLIS-L directly. The majority of the work of the Society occurs at the constituency level and I would not be writing to you now without the chapter, committee, and other group-level participation that preceded this office. The board and I thank everyone, whether new or longstanding, who performs the work of the Society during a time when nobody Is fully able as they were before.


The pandemic forced all of us to recognize the need for community. We will offer a Society-wide town hall in the second half of July on the topic of our publications program and how members can directly participate while advancing both their own professional development and one of the most important aspects of the Society: an active and expanded body of literature. It’s no coincidence that President-elect Rebecca Price comes to that office directly from the editorial board. Please anticipate a message from Editorial Director Roger Lawson, himself a past president, on how to attend that event.


Speaking of Rebecca (as is my presidential prerogative!), for the past several months she chaired the Strategic Planning Refresh Task Force that, in partnership with the Strategic Directions Committee and benefiting from their deeply considered work, have created a blueprint for how the Society will engage in strategic planning. We’re just getting started in what will be a longer process so please expect to hear more—and be involved as we soon recruit two members at large to join the next working group—in the near future.


I swore at the onset I’d keep this brief. The trouble is, that’s an impossible pledge given the breadth and scope of all the Society does. In the coming weeks, please anticipate two surveys: one for the Anti-Racism Task Force and the second from the COVID-19 Task Force regarding qualitative data surrounding how members have managed their library staffs, collections, and resources. We need to hear from you.


We also need support from you: the “$50K for 50 Years” diversity fellowship fund has been launched with 10% initial seed contributions raised in its first month. Please expect to hear more about the fund and other anniversary-related initiatives in my next message and other communications from group leaders.


I close by looping back to the start of this message: the Chicago anniversary conference team. It’s our great fortune to announce Development Co-chairs Milan Hughston, Debbie Kempe, and Kathryn Wayne. While they are the Society’s most accomplished fundraisers and ambassadors, more significant for me: they are all recent recipients of the Society’s Distinguished Service Award and wanted to keep working toward the success of the Society.


This is who ARLIS/NA is and what our members do.


I’m so honored to write to you today.


My best regards, always,



MARK POMPELIA | Visual + Material Resource Librarian | Librarian IV
Rhode Island School of Design Fleet Library | library.risd.edu
Digital Commons @ RISD | MATERIAL ORDER
Vice Chair, RISD Faculty Steering Committee | Treasurer, RISD Full-Time Faculty Association

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