Hi all, 

The ARLIS Cataloging Section has two forums for discussion about all things art cataloging!
The Catablog is our long-running blog, where we share updates about Cataloging Section activities, cataloging policy, and discuss cataloging & metadata projects by ARLIS members. We've just added posts on two cataloging-related sessions from this year's conference that have been made available as recordings: Telling Stories with Library Data: Visualization Projects and Tools and The Cataloging Manual Reinvented: the New RDA Toolkit and the 3R Project. We'd love to highlight your recent projects on the blog, so please get in touch if you have work you'd like to share, from critical cataloging to linked data to metadata-work-from-home. 

We are also hoping to revive the Cataloging Section Slack as a discussion forum for art catalogers. Join the Slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/arlis-catalog/shared_invite/zt-6ltuesfk-ePzZfHSP2D_wrL0wMDix7w It's a great place to ask colleagues for cataloging help, share interesting articles and webinars, and get to know your fellow ARLIS members. Hope to see you there!


Sarah Hamerman (she/her)

Project Cataloging Specialist, Rare Books

Princeton University Libraries

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