Dear collective wisdom,

Under the auspices of the SCIP (Stimulating Creativity In Practice) SIG, my colleague Janine St. Germain and I are working to compile information on artist residencies that are hosted by libraries and archives. We hope this will both encourage the growth of such programs and facilitate their use.

We need help. Do you work at an institution that hosts artist residencies, or manage one yourself? Have you participated? Heard of one? Linked you'll find a Google Sheet in which we're just beginning to compile this information. We openly invite your contributions and comments. 

We recognize that definitions here can be blurry: for example, academic research opportunities might be open to artists; some "traditional" artist residencies provide access to a notable library or archive - we'd like to know about them. Programs that are ended or on hiatus would also be interesting to hear of. 

You need not fill out every field for a contribution to be useful - de-duping and gap filling will take place later. If you are personally connected to a residency and willing to chat with us, leave your email address in the sheet (or send me a message). 

As ever, thank you ARLIS-L!


Emily Coxe (she/her)
Research & Instruction Librarian

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