

Good Morning ARLIS/NA Members, 

Today's Mindfulness Break explores how societies in Africa, India, Latin America, and Polynesia conceptualized gender to include a "third gender."  Also provided is a study on ways academic librarians, applicable across the profession, can welcome LGBTQIA+ community members.

Beyond Gender: Indigenous Perspectives, Fa’afafine and Fa’afatama

Beyond Gender: Indigenous Perspectives, Muxe

The Third Gender and Hijras

The Splendor of Gender Non-Conformity In Africa

Perceptions of Academic Librarians toward LGBTQ Information Needs

Have a great Wednesday!  

Karynne Courts, of Mindessence - "a visionary leader constantly and flexibly adjusts the lenses to meet the needs of their audience"; so I think the same thing may apply to engagement, it’s important to think about the audience and adjust to their needs."

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