The Association of Print Scholars invites submissions for the 2021 APS Publication Grant, supported by C.G. Boerner and Harris Schrank.


The APS Publication Grant supports the publication of innovative scholarly research about printmaking across all time periods and geographic regions. The grant carries a maximum award of $2,000 and is funded through the Association of Print Scholars and the generosity of C.G. Boerner and Harris Schrank.


Proposed projects should be feature-length articles, online publications or essays, exhibition catalogues, or books, which are nearing completion and publication. Please note that while publications may be in any language, proposals and all supplementary application materials must be submitted in English. Examples of possible uses for an APS Publication Grant include, but are not limited to, the following: 


-Travel expenses for research essential to the completion of a manuscript;


-Studio time or courses in printmaking that will contribute significantly to a scholar's understanding of their subject matter, or collaboration between printmakers and scholars;


-Funding assistance for photography and image permissions;


-Honoraria for contributors to edited volumes or other collaborative publications.


Applications are due August 31, 2021. Successful applicants will be notified by November 1, 2021, and the grant must be applied to publication costs within one year of notification. 


Successful proposals must address all of the following criteria, which needs to be consolidated into a single PDF document (12 pt. font, black text): 


1. Proposal narrative describing scholarly project. Projects will be evaluated based on the clarity of the proposal and the originality and innovation of the applicant’s research (500-1000 words). 


2. Budget and budget narrative (250 words or less) detailing how grant funding will be spent. Please list any other grants for which the applicant has applied, including amounts and the results if known. 


3. A detailed publishing plan, which should ideally include documentation of progress towards publication or the project’s likelihood of publication. This documentation could take the form of a letter from an editor, press, or publisher, or an outline of possible publishers and contact made thus far. Please note that applications with a publisher’s support will receive highest consideration for the grant.


4. CV for all participant(s), no longer than 3 pages for each participant. 


Applicants should send the above materials as a single PDF by August 31, 2021 to the APS Grants Committee at [log in to unmask].


Please note that current APS officers, whether elected or appointed, may not apply for the APS Publication Grant during their service to the organization.


For additional information, please visit:






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