

Hello colleagues, 

A friendly reminder that Educopia Institute recently started a quarterly newsletter that features resources, updates, and announcements from our diverse portfolio of research, consulting, and community cultivation work. We invite you to read the second issue below and, if you like what you see, consider subscribing to our newsletter list. The newsletter is a handy way to stay up-to-date on the many scholarly communication and digital curation initiatives underway at Educopia. Happy reading!

With many thanks, and very best wishes, 

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From: Caitlin Perry <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 9:53 AM
Subject: Educopia Institute Newsletter, June 2021
To: <[log in to unmask]>

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Educopia Newsletter, June 2021

The Educopia Institute Newsletter is a quarterly publication that features events, resources, and updates from our diverse portfolio of work that spans sponsored research, consulting, and community cultivation. If you would like to receive future newsletters, subscribe here!
Community Cultivation
MetaArchive Cooperative Announces New Membership Levels and Terms

The MetaArchive Cooperative is pleased to announce that we are now welcoming new and returning members under our new membership levels and terms. The Cooperative has a longstanding reputation as a community-driven digital preservation network, so it comes as no surprise that these new levels were developed and approved by MetaArchive's members. Under the new terms, there are: (1) simplified membership options that empower more members to vote and serve in leadership positions, (2) reduced storage costs, and (3) an Individual Membership option.

These new Individual Memberships allow practitioners to join the Cooperative for free, where they can attend meetings, serve on committees, and engage with other members in peer mentoring programs. This opens the door not only to former members to re-join as individuals, but also to any practitioners without a MetaArchive affiliation who are interested in learning about distributed digital preservation and engaging with the community.

Learn more about the new membership levels on the MetaArchive blog

Project Updates
NGLP Project Releases "Living Our Values and Principles: Annotated Bibliography"

Community-based values and principles sit at the core of the Next Generation Library Publishing (NGLP) project, and members of our team have done extensive work over the past year researching and synthesizing the values and principles identified by individuals, organizations, and coalitions throughout the open knowledge community. In the course of developing the project and creating resources such as the draft Values and Principles Framework & Assessment Checklist and Living Our Values and Principles: Exploring Assessment Strategies for the Scholarly Communication Field, we found and reviewed dozens of values and principles statements, manifestos, articles, and book chapters spanning the worlds of scholarly communications, open data, open science, and open source software.

In addition to information our work on the project, we think the annotated bibliography that we've built along the way might be of use to others on similar journeys. To enable others to dig deeply into the articles and values statements contained within this annotated bibliography now and in the future, we are releasing it now as a formal publication. We will continue to add to this resource through the end of the NGLP project in August 2022. If you find an article or values statement that you think would benefit this project, please reach out to Brandon Locke ([log in to unmask]) to suggest its inclusion.

About Next Generation Library Publishing Project
The Next Generation Library Publishing project is led by Educopia Institute, California Digital Library (CDL), and Strategies for Open Science (Stratos), in close partnership with Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), and Longleaf Services. 
The project is generously funded by Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. Its purpose is to improve publishing pathways and choices for authors, editors, and readers through strengthening, integrating, and scaling up scholarly publishing infrastructure to support library publishers. 

OA eBook Usage Data Trust Releases Data Ecosystem and Use Case Documentation

Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access eBook Usage. Logos for Curtin University, University of Michigan library, Educopia, Book Industry Study Group, and University of North Texas.Publishers, libraries, and a diverse array of scholarly communications platforms and services generate information about how OA books are accessed online. Since its launch in 2015, the OA eBook Usage Data Trust (@OAEBU_project) effort has brought together these thought leaders to document the barriers facing OA eBook usage analytics. To start addressing these challenges and to understand the role of a usage data trust, the effort has spent the last year studying and documenting the usage data ecosystem.

Interview-based research led to the documentation of the OA book data supply chain, which maps related metadata and usage data standards and workflows. Dozens worldwide have engaged in human-centered design workshops and communities of practice that went virtual during 2020. Together these communities revealed how OA book publishers, platforms, and libraries are looking beyond their need to provide usage and impact reports. Workshop findings are now documented within use-cases that list the queries and activities where usage data analytics can help scholars and organizations to be more effective and strategic. Public comment is invited for the OA eBook Usage Data Analytics and Reporting Use Cases Report through July 10, 2021. 

About Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage
This two-year project funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation acts upon the recommendations from five years of planning, as documented within the "Exploring Open Access EBook Usage" white paper published by the Book Industry Study Group in 2019. Through December 2021, this pilot project will develop and test infrastructure, policy, and governance models to support a diverse, global data trust for usage data on open access monographs. As an international cooperative managed by the community of stakeholders in scholarly communications and operating a secure data repository and member dashboards, this data trust will be designed to align with the priorities of authors and institutions while respecting emerging ethical norms in the use of metrics. 

Save the Date: BitCuratorEdu Educators' Summit
BitCuratorEdu Educators Summit, October 15, 2021., #BitCuratorEdu. Picture of USB cords.

The BitcuratorEdu team in collaboration with the BitCurator Consortium is excited to announce a virtual symposium following the 2021 BitCurator Users Forum!

The BitCuratorEdu Educators' Summit will bring together digital curation practitioners, peer trainers, and graduate students with library and information science instructors from both academic programs and continuing education efforts to explore the latest topics, research, and developments in digital curation education. Save the date for Friday, October 15, 2021. Information on the program and how to register will be available in August!

About Educopia
The Educopia Institute empowers collaborative communities to create, share, and preserve knowledge.

We believe in the power of connection and collaboration. In all of our work, we encourage knowledge sharing and network building across institutions, communities, and sectors. Our strengths include community cultivation and administrative backbone support services for collaborative communities. Educopia also develops and manages applied research projects that benefit our affiliated communities and the broader information fields of libraries, archives, and museums.

Twitter: @Educopia
Copyright © 2021 Educopia Institute, All rights reserved.

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Hannah Ballard
Director of Communications
Educopia Institute 
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Working from Taos, NM
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