

Dear Colleagues,

Please the see the following announcement for an upcoming webinar organized by the Professional Development Committee. We hope to see you on July 7!

“Work in Progress: Demystifying Scholarly Publication”

The ARLIS/NA Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce a panel webinar on the essentials of scholarly publishing on July 7, 2021 from 3-4 p.m. ET. Whether you are new to the field,  publishing is a part of your new job description, or if you simply want to learn more about the process, please join us. Panelists Judy Dyki (Art Documentation), Kraig Binkowski (Art Libraries Journal), and Dr. Mysoon Rizk (Art Inquiries) will offer overviews of publishing with their particular journals, as well as answer questions about the process. Please see more about the panelists below.

To join us, please register at this link<>.

Judy Dyki is the editor-in-chief of Art Documentation<>, published by the Art Libraries Society of North America and the University of Chicago Press. She is also the co-editor of the second edition of The Handbook of Art and Design Librarianship, published by Facet Publishing and Neal-Schuman. Judy is the Director of Academic Programs and Library at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, MI.

Kraig Binkowski is the Chief Librarian at the Yale Center for British Art Reference Library and Archives. He is trained as a printmaker (MFA) as well as a librarian and writes, teaches and speaks on a variety of topics spanning art librarianship and printmaking processes. Kraig has worked for nearly 25 years in museum libraries and has served in many roles for ARLIS/NA including that of Professional Resources Editor. He was previously the Reviews Editor for Art Libraries Journal <> and is now an Associate Editor of the Journal.

Dr. Mysoon Rizk is the editor-in-chief of Art Inquiries<>, published by SECAC. Dr. Rizk is a Professor of Art History at the University of Toledo in Toledo, OH. She was the first person to archive the Estate of David Wojnarowicz — before the materials were purchased by New York University, for the Fales Library and Special Collections — and has researched and written extensively on the artist, as well as on other topics in contemporary art.

Courtney Hunt
Art & Design Librarian Assistant Professor
Pronouns: she/her/hers
The Ohio State University Libraries
Fine Arts Library
Wexner Center / Room 040L
1871 N. High Street
Columbus, OH, 43210
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