

Greetings ARLIS Colleagues,


The Research and Information Services Section (RISS) would love for you to save the date(s) for our upcoming schedule of discussion forums. As discussed in our yearly business meeting, we will be meeting on a quarterly schedule. The moderators have selected the third Tuesday of the month, every 3 months, for this quarterly meeting. Based on ideas gathered at the annual business meeting, we have come up with topics for our first two meetings, listed below. We will be in touch in the near future to announce additional discussions.


The dates we have set aside for meetings this year are: 



Our first meeting this year will occur on Tuesday,  July 20, from 2-3 p.m. ET. We will be discussing the post-COVID landscape for research and information services—what changes were made over the past year, what we will keep, what we will be happy to see end, and any other considerations you might bring to the discussion!


The Zoom information for our first meeting on July 20 is:


Meeting Link:


Meeting ID: 973 8791 9522

Password: 592203


Let us know if you have any questions—we hope to see you there!




Courtney Hunt, Moderator, 2021-22

Nimisha Bhat, Vice-Moderator, 2021-22



Courtney Hunt

Art & Design Librarian Assistant Professor

Pronouns: she/her/hers

The Ohio State University Libraries

Fine Arts Library

Wexner Center / Room 040L

1871 N. High Street

Columbus, OH, 43210

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