

Good afternoon all,

Please see below for the agenda for the Art and Design School Libraries Division Meeting, which will be happening at 4pm EDT, after our report presentation. Please RSVP here if you haven't already, for the Zoom details:

We look forward to seeing all of you!

Best wishes,

Abi Sweeney (Moderator for the ADSL Division) 

Art and Design School Libraries (ADSL) Division 
Spring 2021 Virtual Meeting

Tuesday, May 25th, 4-5pm EDT

Last call for Vice-Moderator/Moderator (2021-23)
Questions/concerns/comments for report presentation: Last call
Any updates that people want to share
Group discussions: What do we want the Division to provide for members in the future (programming, events, talks?)
Break out rooms for brainstorming/suggestions 

Abi Sweeney
Librarian - Serials and Reserves
Godine Library
Massachusetts College of Art + Design
621 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
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