

Thanks to all who responded to my query about software for running a small library. You've been so helpful! Here is my round the up of suggestions I received:

Librarything accompanied by TinyCat are good/affordable options for small libraries. I haven’t used TinyCat in a circulating environment, but it appears that all of the necessary functionality exists and has been thought out fairly thoroughly. What is particularly nice about LibraryThing and TinyCat is that cataloging books with LibraryThing is just a streamlined copy cataloging. Users can actually import MARC records from libraries across the globe which also means that exporting the data is fairly straightforward for when one needs to migrate to a more powerful system.

I'd recommend that they look at some open source library managment systems like Evergreen or Koha.  There's a discussion and a list of these products in the article at:

I will chime in to say that a cataloger here at Princeton (who is also an ARLIS member, Sarah Hamerman) said the following several months back when I was asking her about whether she would be interested in cataloging a personal library in Princeton. She recommended the following, already on the list below:
Librarything or Libib – they’re both very user-friendly for non-librarians!The Small Library Manager's Handbook / [edited by] Alice Graves.

Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2014]

Karen A. Bouchard
Arts & Humanities Librarian

Rockefeller Library, Box A
10 Prospect Street
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912  USA

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. Cicero. Epistulae ad Familiares, book IX, epistle 4.

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