

Please join us for the ARLIS/NA Diversity and Inclusion committee's POC
Connections & Solutions 5th session: *Back to the Future! *

Do libraries make space for staff members of color? Do some library
divisions  allow POC's to flourish or others that deter POCs from entering?
This session covers experiences as library professionals and whether we are
welcome or welcomed into the profession.

Provided is the link <> to register for
the 5th session in the *POC Connections & Solutions Series* where we will
discuss what we wish we knew about the profession prior to deciding to work
in libraries.

*** These sessions are free and open to everyone - not strictly for
ARLIS/NA members, and are exclusively for people of color who work in GLAM


*Karynne Courts, of Mindessence - "a visionary leader constantly and
flexibly adjusts the lenses to meet the needs of their audience"; so I
think the same thing may apply to engagement, it’s important to think about
the audience and adjust to their needs." *

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