Dear Colleagues,

The ARLIS Texas-Mexico Chapter is delighted to announce this year’s winners of the Lois Swan Jones Award for Professional Development:


Kate Alleman

Assistant Librarian

Mayer Library at the Dallas Art Museum


Kate is an active member in ARLIS/NA and ARLIS Texas-Mexico. She is currently serving as the Moderator for the Museum Library Division and is on the planning team for the 2023 ARLIS/NA Annual Conference set for Ciudad de México, México. Congratulations Kate!

Sarah de la Rosa

Graduate Student in Library Science

Texas Women’s University


Sarah is in her final semester and will graduate with her MLS this spring, with concentrations in Special Libraries, Cataloging, and Diversity and Inclusion Librarianship. She is currently doing her practicum virtually at the Menil Collection.  Sarah has attended previous meetings of the ARLIS Texas-Mexico Chapter and is looking forward to attending her first ARLIS/NA conference. Congratulations Sarah!


Kate and Sarah will each receive $150 to offset the costs of attending this year’s ARLIS/NA Annual Conference. The Lois Swan Jones committee would like to thank our donors who make this award possible year after year.



Lauren Gottlieb-Miller, The Menil Collection
Shari Salisbury, University of Texas at San Antonio
Sam Duncan, Amon Carter Museum of American Art




Lauren Gottlieb-Miller



1511 Branard Street

Houston, Texas 77006


Pronouns: she, her, hers


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