

Nomination deadline has been extended to
June 1st, 2021

Given annually by Library Juice Press, the Vattemare Award recognizes contributions in the LIS field that are marked by originality, creative energy, and novel combinations of ideas.

The award is open to librarians, other library workers, and community members (in any country). The award may be given to an individual or a group, based on a particular project or creative work over an extended period. Entries may be repeated in subsequent years.

The award consists of $1000 and a framed certificate.

Nominations should include a letter and sufficient materials for evaluation; more is better. Nominations are normally due on May 1st of each year. This year the deadline is extended to June 1st. Materials may be sent to [log in to unmask].

Alexandre Vattemare, the remarkable 19th century ventriloquist and pioneer of library resource sharing, is the inspiration for the award.

Previous Winners

2020: Jesse Carliner and Kyla Everall of the University of Toronto, for their work as creators of the Library’s Family Study Space.

2019: Kristy Bowen and Jennifer Sauzer of Columbia College Chicago, in recognition of their work as creators of the Aesthetics of Research initiative.

2018: Betsy Diamant-Cohen, in recognition of her work as the creator and Executive Director of the early literacy program, Mother Goose on the Loose.

For more information about the award:

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