

Hello all,
Just a reminder that the Artist File SIG annual meeting will be taking place this coming Monday. An agenda follows. Do reach out to me if you wish to attend and I can send you the Zoom link. I will be writing to those directly who have already contacted me.

Best, Rebecca Friedman, Co-Coordinator (with Sara Ellis)
ARLIS/NA Artist File SIG
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1. Introductions


2. Artist File Directory update  


3. Themes that emerged from Miro board last Spring + wikidata   


4. DEI initiatives:
e.g. Has anyone looked at BIPOC names that may be in artist file collections?
Efforts to add more diverse voices to these collections?
Special digitization efforts focused on diversity? Other??  (discussion) 


5. (if time) What attendees hope to get out of this group/what would you like the SIG leadership to know/do in the coming year?  

From: Rebecca K. Friedman <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 1:53 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Artist File SIG annual meeting: April 26, 1-2 pm ET
Hello all,
The Artist File SIG will be meeting on Monday, April 26 at 1 pm; that is two weeks from today. Agenda will be sent out a few days prior to the meeting. The Zoom link will be shared in the central conference calendar and/or by letting us know of your interest in attending and we can send you the link in advance. If there are agenda items you wish to see or to add, do let us know.

We look forward to seeing one and all then.

-Rebecca Friedman and Sara Ellis, Co-Coordinators
ARLIS/NA Artist File SIG

Rebecca K. Friedman
Assistant Librarian

Marquand Library of Art & Archaeology
McCormick Hall
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ  08544
(609) 258-3163; main (609) 258-3783
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