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ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Needs You!

ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors are seeking volunteers to author reviews for the June 2021 issue. To volunteer, choose a resource from the list below and complete our Reviewer Interest form by Monday March 29, 2021.

Initial draft submissions are due Monday, May 3.

Contributing to ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews<> is a great opportunity to get involved with the Society, learn about interesting new resources, and help shape the publication. Please feel free to read the complete review guidelines<> and direct comments and questions about the reviews to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Know of a resource we should review? Submit ideas here:

Submitted by ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors:

Melanie Emerson

Gabriella Karl-Johnson

Alexandra Provo


Resources for Review

We seek reviewers for the following resources. Fuller descriptions included in the review interest form The snippets below are taken from each resource's web page and are not necessarily the opinions of the M&T Reviews Co-Editors.

Catalogue of the Textiles in the Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Collection
Dumbarton Oaks’ collection of approximately 260 textiles has long been known to scholars for their quality and rarity. This project presents a searchable online catalogue of the institution's textile holdings along with scholarly essays that push against the limits of art-historical methodology in attempting to understand the context and uses of furnishing textiles during these periods.

In Her Own Right
In Her Own Right is a project executed by members of the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL) that includes material from the region’s documentary collections and reflects the breadth of the campaign for women’s suffrage in the United States.

May amnesia never kiss us on the mouth
This evolving project, co-commissioned by Dia Art Foundation and The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, will be presented as both an online project and physical exhibition. The online platform will launch as part of Dia’s Artist Web Projects series.

The Museum of Modern Art: Reimagining Blackness and Architecture [Coursera Course]
Reimagining Blackness and Architecture explores the relationship between architecture and Blackness as an identity and a lived experience. The Coursera course is an instructional element related to the current exhibition Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America at the Museum of Modern Art.

The Native Graphic Design Project
The Native Graphic Design Project is intended as a way to increase the visibility of Native, Native American, First Nations, American Indian, AmerIndian, Aboriginal, Metís, Native Alaskan, Indigenous, Indígina, and Inuit people working in the field of graphic design.

New York 1920s: 100 Years Ago Today (When We Became Modern)
New York 1920s: 100 Years Ago Today (When We Became Modern) offers archival materials related to New York City on this date one hundred years ago. Panoramic in scope but local in focus, it includes articles and headlines from New York newspapers and magazines, and sound, image and video files and links, all telling the story of the life of the city in the 1920s.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now
In the 1960s, activist Chicano artists forged a remarkable history of printmaking that remains vital today. ¡Printing the Revolution! explores the rise of Chicano graphics within the rise of the civil rights, labor, anti-war, feminist, and LGBTQ+ social movements and traces the ways in which Chicanx artists since then have advanced innovative printmaking practices attuned to social justice.

Tribesourcing Southwest Film Project
Based on the collection of nearly 500 films in the American Indian Film Gallery housed at the University of Arizona, this project tribesources mid-20th century educational and sponsored films about Native peoples of the U.S. Southwest by recording Native narrations and contextual information for film content from the Native communities they represent.

Launched in 2015, VDB TV is an innovative digital distribution project which provides free, online streaming access to curated programs of video and media art.

Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]