

Friends in art librarianship,

I have rejoined ARLIS-L in 2021, after I renewed a lapsed membership in ARLIS in 2020 as retired and volunteer Director of the GMOA's Louis T. Griffith Library. I was a member, also in the same role from 2011-2016.

ARLIS/NA connected me with museum, academic, and other art librarians, and learned so much from both ARLIS and individual members. I'm sure I'll continue to do so.

PS anyone from Nelson Atkins archives, hello? My sister Sarah Weitzel volunteers.


Lucy Minogue Rowland, MS, MLS
Director, Louis T. Griffith Library at the Georgia Museum of Art
Professor Emerita, College of Veterinary Medicine
Science Librarian Emerita, University Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
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