Hello colleagues,

Can anyone help me get my mitts on either of the below articles? 

Cala, Alina, “Stosunek swoj-obcy w kulturze ludowej” [The Relationship Between Native and Stranger in Popular Culture], Etnografia Polska, XXVI (1982) pp. 203-213

Goldberg-Mulkiewicz, Olga, “Postac Zyda w polskiej rzezbie ludowej” [Image of the Jew in Polish Folk Sculpture], Polska Sztuka Ludowa, XXXIV (1980), pp. 219-225 (journal is now called Konteksty)

Thanks for checking!

Emily Coxe (she/her)
Research & Instruction Librarian
Fleet Library at the Rhode Island School of Design

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I live and work on the traditional territories of Narragansett, Wampanoag and Manissean people.

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