MARCH 1, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) is pleased to announce the Spring 2021 VRAF Professional Development Grant in the amount of $500 to Brian Watson, a Doctoral Student at the University of British Columbia’s School of Information, and $500 to Steffi Terasaki, the Curatorial Assistant/Assistant Registrar at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle.

Brian Watson plans to use the funds towards a Certificate in XML and RDF from the Library Juice Academy. These languages are necessary to build compatibility between Homosaurus—an international, community-maintained LGBTQ linked data vocabulary system intended to function as a companion to broad subject term vocabularies, such as the Getty or LCSH—and other major thesauri used in GLAMS cataloguing. After completing the certificate, Brian plans to finish a complete mapping of Homosaurus to LCSH and Getty, as well as expand the number of terms in Homosaurus specifically connected to visual resource description. This work would allow the vocabularies used in the GLAMS sector to more ethically and inclusively represent intersectionality in their holdings, which would have the additional benefit of making intersectional identities more visible within cultural heritage institutions.

Steffi Terasaki wishes to gain a foundational knowledge in digital visual resource management, including born digital material; become an active participant in the museum and archives community around digital asset management in order to learn from/collaborate with her colleagues; and gain hands-on experience with managing a project through workshops. To accomplish these goals, Steffi will use the grant funds to attend: the Society of American Archivists Basics of Managing Digital Collections Online course, the 2021 Visual Resource Association conference, and the Summer Educational Institute for Digital Stewardship of Visual Information.

The VRAF Professional Development Grant Program reflects the broad mission of the VRAF to support professional development in the field of visual resources and visual information management. The grant can be used to participate in a professional development opportunity of the grantee’s choosing (such as a conference, symposium, workshop, online education), or to enroll in relevant research activities (such as hands-on field work or a site visit for scholarly purposes). For more information about the VRAF, the VRAF Professional Development Grant, and other VRAF programs, please visit

On behalf of the VRA Foundation Board of Directors
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