

Greetings ARLIS/NA Texas-Mexico Colleagues,

Janine Henri retired from her position as Architecture and Design Librarian at UCLA in December. Since Janine began her art information career as an ARLIS/NA Texas Chapter member, she wants to celebrate her retirement by matching donations to the Lois Swan Jones Professional Development Award up to $500 that are received by June 30th!

[Janine Henri Lois Swan Jones Professional Development Challenge]

The list of Janine Henri's accomplishments in the flyer are only highlights of her art information career while a member of the Texas-Mexico Chapter.  She began her career at the University of Texas at Austin, first as Art Librarian in the Fine Arts Library from Feb. 1991-Sept. 1995, then as Head of the Architecture and Planning Library from September 1995-September 2007.

Her work on the Mexico Membership Subcommittee resulted in the Chapter changing its name from the Texas Chapter to the Texas-Mexico Chapter. She served on the ARLIS/NA Executive Board from 1996-1997 (as South Regional Representative) at a time when the Board wanted to ensure that there were local chapters available for our entire North America membership.

She was also the recipient of several chapter professional development awards: the 1992 ARLIS/Texas Professional Development Travel Award, and twice (in 1994 and 2006) after the award was renamed The Lois Swan Jones Professional Development Award.

In addition, she led tours and workshops as part of chapter meeting programming and served as meeting host or co-host when the Chapter met in Austin. She was also a frequent contributor to The Medium.

Janine says, "I would like to encourage chapter members that are able to, to contribute to the LSJ award in advance of the Mexico meeting: I can speak from experience about how important this award can be for someone's professional development. I will be eternally grateful to my former Texas-Mexico Chapter colleagues for welcoming me with open arms when I arrived in Texas. Sherman Clarke sought me out at my first ARLIS/NA conference in Kansas City in 1991 and somehow, I left that conference with a proposal to host the 1992 Chapter Meeting! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone in the Chapter and especially to all the Chapter officers, Committee Members, Chapter Meeting hosts, and active participants, for being such great mentors and colleagues, and for encouraging me along my career. The LSJ award played an important part in this encouragement."

Sincerely, Rebecca Barham
ARLIS N/A Texas-Mexico Chapter President

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