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Please join ARLIS/NA for our 2021 Annual Conference, hosted by ARLIS/NA MOQ (Montréal, Ottawa, Québec) Chapter and presented virtually. Our conference theme is Convergence = Créativité + Collaboration and these ideas are woven throughout the program. Panel sessions, talks, discussion forums, and other events will feature new and continuing projects, explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on libraries and arts institutions, and showcase the scholarship of our members.

We are pleased to share with you a first look at the agenda. The conference is packed with educational content that includes sessions postponed from the 2020 Annual Conference, plus new topics. We also look forward to sharing interactive events and activities highlighting the vibrancy of our host city, Montréal.
Speakers and topics to be revealed soon!

View the Agenda<>

Call for Posters
We invite library and archive professionals, students, scholars and educators, curators and designers to submit a poster proposal in English or French to showcase at the conference.

A poster presentation is perfect for sharing new or in-progress research, for highlighting a case study, and for starting a conversation with colleagues about your work. Posters allow for effective combinations of graphics and text that summarize your research. They allow viewers to read the information presented at their leisure, to ask questions and provide feedback. Posters will stay on view throughout the conference, and there will be dedicated time for conference attendees to chat directly with you.
Deadline to submit proposal: April 6, 2021

Submit your proposal<>

Chapters, divisions, committees, and SIGs are invited to schedule their meeting in the two weeks preceding the conference programming days (May 11-13). To help facilitate scheduling, we have created a collaborative calendar<>. Please add your business meeting details (date, time, contact information, etc.) to this calendar as they are scheduled.

Learn more<>

Megan Brouwer, CMP
ARLIS/NA Meeting Planner
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Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]