Hello ARLIS members!


Due to an issue with the form, the deadline for proposals for Adaptability, Ingenuity, and Opportunity: VRA Professionals During a Pandemic has been extended through this Friday, February 12, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. If you submitted a proposal for this session in January 2021, please note that the form was not capturing all data properly. We ask that you reach out to any of the session leads if you submitted a proposal during this time, so we can ensure you are properly notified of acceptance. The original call for proposals with session and contact information is below. We encourage the submission of any new proposals for what we hope will be a lively and energizing session!


Seeking Lightning Round speakers for Adaptability, Ingenuity, and Opportunity: VR Professionals During a Pandemic

Nearly one year into the pandemic, all of us have both experienced and had time to reflect upon the significant changes in our professional roles and work lives. To that end, we are seeking proposals to present lightning round talks in the virtual session “Adaptability, Ingenuity, and Opportunity: VR Professionals During a Pandemic,” to be held at the VRA Conference from 10 a.m.-11 a.m. on March 23, 2020 (see original proposal below). Envisioned as concise five-minute talks designed to generate an energetic dialogue, successful proposals will briefly address the following questions:

1. What professional problem emerging from the pandemic does your talk seek to address?

2. How did you approach addressing the problem?

3. And most importantly, based on this experience, what changes do you anticipate in your professional life and in the profession moving forward? And how can we be proactive in sustaining these changes as we return to an in-person work environment?

Talks may address these topics among others:

New responsibilities and professional roles

New approaches to managing staff

Adaptability: Triage, Planning and Pivoting

The use of New Tools

Innovations and changes to services

Relationships: Cultivating Connection in a Remote Environment/Working with Colleagues

The deadline for proposals is Monday, February 8th 12th, with acceptances arriving by Monday, February 15th. Please submit your proposals at https://forms.gle/ctGyw1gcz7Hy4JY29.
Questions? Please contact Betha Whitlow, Andrea Degener, or Skye Lacerte

Note: In order to ensure that talks can fit within the concise parameters of a five-minute lightning round, drafts will be expected by March 10th, followed by a practice session prior to the conference. Please do not let this hold you back in from submitting your proposal! The session organizers will be available throughout the process to assist in any way necessary, including brainstorming how best to translate your topic into a five minute talk.

Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: http://www.arlisna.org/membership/join-arlisna Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: http://lsv.arlisna.org Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]