

Dear ARLIS/NA colleagues -
Apologies for cross-posting - please see below for AASL conference funding opportunity. Still time to apply!
Thank you!


We are pleased to announce that, thanks to the generous support of Diego Grass and OnArchitecture, we are able to offer an additional award this year to sponsor one member's attendance at the AASL + ACSA 2021 Joint Virtual Conference! The OnArchitecture Conference Attendance Award funds the full registration fee for one recipient. Deadline to apply for the award is February 19 - please see full details on the website.

And there is still time to apply for the Francis Chen Travel Award and the Student Travel Award! Both awards cover the registration costs for this year's virtual conference, as well as one year's membership in AASL. The application process is quick and easy - please consider submitting, and please inform any student colleagues about the opportunity available to them as well. Extended deadline is February 19.

Francis Chen Travel Award:
Student Travel Award:

Thank you!

AASL Awards Committee
Gilda Santana & Gabriella Karl-Johnson, co-chairs 

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Gabriella Karl-Johnson
Architecture Librarian, School of Architecture
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ  08544
ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-Editor

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