

Greetings ARLIS,

I have been helping a PhD student track down a few articles. One of these articles we tried requesting through ILL but without success:

Title: 美術に拠る写真、写真に拠る美術 (photography by art art by photography)
In: Bijutsu techo (美術手帖 Art Notebook)
Issue: 462
Date: March 1980
Pages: 45 to 163.

Unfortunately we only have this periodical in print since 2000,<> our Hathitrust ETAS access<> provides temporary access to 1979, but not 1980.

We would be so lucky and grateful if anyone might be able to provide a scan (I know it’s a long one). The next step if I can’t retrieve a scan here is to see if the National Diet Library owns it and might be willing to mail a photocopy to the libraries where she could pick it up curbside.

Thank you in advance for any leads or help with this one!


Jenna Dufour
Research Librarian for Visual Arts
University of California, Irvine
Schedule A Virtual Research Consultation<>

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