Dear ARLIS/NA members,

2020 has offered us no shortage of challenges in our professional and personal lives, and there is much to reflect on as we come to the end of the year. In ARLIS/NA, we've seen libraries close for extended periods, cut positions, and furlough employees; we cancelled our annual conference and quickly organized and deftly conducted a virtual conference and many online events, hired a new management company, and resolved to address systemic racism in our majority white organization and profession. 

Throughout the year, ARLIS/NA members supported one another through discussion sessions and online meetings hosted by committees, chapters, SIGs, divisions, and sections; through news shared on arlis-l; and through participation in the virtual conference program in July. If ever there was a year that we needed and appreciated the support of our colleagues, 2020 was it. Thank you to everyone who helped to organize this year's virtual discussion groups and online events, to all those who participated, and to everyone who helped us to share news and valuable information.

As we look ahead to 2021, there is much to anticipate, and progress on many fronts. I'll highlight here just a few of the ARLIS/NA events planned for the year:
Finally, as the year draws to a close, I would like to ask you to consider making a contribution to ARLIS/NA if your financial situation allows. Your gift, which is tax deductible in the U.S., can be unrestricted or it can be designated for any of the five dedicated funds that benefit members. As with many other organizations, the pandemic's impact on ARLIS/NA has meant a decline in revenue at a time when member support is most needed. We've reduced the 2021 membership fees and registration rates for students and unemployed or underemployed members; your unrestricted gift will help offset this crucial initiative. Your donation also enrolls you in the Society Circle, ARLIS/NA's giving group. Thank you for your consideration. 

Best wishes for the new year! 


Amy Trendler
President, ARLIS/NA and
Architecture Librarian
University Libraries
Ball State University       765-285-5858
Muncie, IN 47306         [log in to unmask]


The University Libraries provide services that
support student pursuits for academic success
and faculty endeavors for knowledge creation
and classroom instruction.

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