

The Association of Print Scholars is pleased to announce two forthcoming
opportunities related to printmaking. Please see the announcements below

1) the Association of Print Scholars Collaboration Grant ($1,000)

2) the Schulman and Bullard Article Prize ($2,000)

Applications for both are due on January 31, 2021. Details can also be
found at



The APS Collaboration Grant funds public programs and projects that foster
collaboration between members of the print community and/or encourage
dialogue between the print community and the general public. The grant
carries a maximum award of $1,000. Projects should provide new insights
into printmaking and introduce prints to new audiences.

Funds may be applied to costs including space rental, honoraria, and travel
and lodging for speakers and participants. Food or beverage expenses for
receptions and dinners/lunches are excluded. Examples of potential
collaborative projects include, but are not limited to, the following:


   A multi-speaker conference or symposium;

   A single-speaker lecture;

   A workshop focused on identifying printmaking methods and techniques
   and/or print media;

   A study day with printmakers and paper conservators focused on printed

   An educational program about printmaking intended for the general public.

Application Requirements & Review Criteria

Successful proposals must address all of the following criteria, which must
be consolidated into a single PDF document:


   Proposal narrative describing the collaborative project and identifying
   its organizers and its goals. Ideally, this should include: how the project
   will contribute towards advancing print scholarship; a list of speakers and
   their affiliations (if applicable); anticipated target audience; and how
   the project will facilitate collaboration between members of the print
   community, and/or between the print community and the general public. In
   addition, this narrative should address the feasibility of realizing this
   project within the proposed time frame (500-1000 words).

   Budget detailing how grant funding would be spent and how the project
   can be realized within the funding amount provided by APS. Please list any
   other grants for which the applicant(s) has applied, amounts, and the
   outcomes (if known).

   Short CV(s) (fewer than 2 pages) for key applicant(s) involved in
   organizing this program or project.

The time frame for the grant is one year (see COVID addendum below) The
successful applicant will be notified by the end of March and the grant
must be applied to event costs within one year of notification. Applicants
should send all required materials, organized in a single PDF
document, by January
31, 2021 to the APS Grants Committee, at [log in to unmask]

*COVID Addendum (2021): Due to the special circumstances of this grant
cycle overlapping with the COVID-19 pandemic, projects and events may occur
as much as 18 months after receipt of award (through the end of 2022). We
also welcome digitally based projects, including but not limited to



The Association of Print Scholars invites applications for the third
Schulman and Bullard Article Prize. The Prize is given annually to an
article published by an early-career scholar that features compelling and
innovative research on fine art prints or printmaking. The award, which
carries a $2,000 prize, is generously sponsored by Susan Schulman and
Carolyn Bullard. Following the mission of the Association of Print
Scholars, articles can feature aspects of printmaking across any geographic
region and all chronological periods. Articles will be evaluated by a panel
of advanced scholars for the author’s commitment to the use of original
research and the article’s overall contribution to the field of fine print

The Association of Print Scholars invites nominations and self-nominations
for the 2020 Schulman/Bullard Article Prize meeting the criteria outlined

Nomination Criteria:


   Authors must have graduated with an MA, MFA, or PhD fewer than 10 years
   prior to article publication and have less than 10 years of experience as a
   practicing professional in an academic or museum institution or as an
   independent scholar.

   Authors must be current members of APS.

   Articles must have been published in a journal, exhibition catalogue, or
   anthology between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Online
   publications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

   Articles must be between 3,000 and 10,000 words, inclusive of footnotes
   and references.

   Entries for consideration must be in English, though the text of the
   original article may be in any language.

To submit an article for consideration, please send the completed
nomination form
along with an electronic or hard copy of the article to Angela Campbell (
[log in to unmask]) by January 31, 2021.

Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]