

The ARLIS SoCal Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the position of Vice Chair/Chair Elect (1 year as Vice Chair; 1 year as Chair; 1 year as Immediate Past-Chair) and Secretary, a two-year position). Both positions will commence beginning January 1, 2021. 

Anyone interested in serving can self-nominate; you may also submit the name of an ARLIS/SoCal colleague to the Nominating Committee.

For a complete description of the duties and responsibilities carried out by these offices, see the chapter’s bylaws at

The Vice Chair/Chair-Elect shall act as executive officer in the event the Chair is unable to serve, shall act as program chair, and shall be responsible for the sending of all announcements of meetings to the membership.

The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes of chapter Executive Board and Business Meetings; report on chapter events; forward appropriate documents to the Chapters Liaison and ARLIS/NA headquarters; and report on chapter activities to ARLIS/NA.

There are many benefits to serving. Officers gain valuable leadership experience while contributing towards ensuring that ARLIS/NA Southern California Chapter meets the professional needs of art and architecture librarians and visual resources professionals and students in our region.

Please send your nominations for Vice Chair/Chair-Elect and Secretary to [log in to unmask] by December 15, 2020.


ARLIS SoCal Nominating Committee

Erin Fussell, Digital Library Assistant, Getty Research Institute

Jennie Freeburg, Librarian/Archivist, Gagosian

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