The New England Chapter is pleased to announce our confirmed new officers who will be starting their terms in January. They are:

Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nimisha Bhat, Visual Arts Librarian, Hillyer Art Library, Smith College
Secretary: Annie Sollinger, Visual Archivist & Librarian for Art History, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Public Relations and Web Support: Andrea Puccio, Collections Management Librarian, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library

Congratulations to our incoming officers and thank you for your willingness to serve!

Wishing you all moments of joy this holiday season,

Jessica Evans Brady (on behalf of the ARLIS/NA New England Executive Committee) 

Jessica Evans Brady, she/her/hers
Research & Collections Librarian
Fine Arts Library, Harvard University


1805 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Fine Arts Library, 104B

Champions of Curiosity

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