

Dear ARLIS/NA members,

I am writing to update you on several ongoing endeavors. In each case, more information will be coming, but the board felt it was important to relay the message that these endeavors are in process:

Anti-Racism Task Force
The Anti-Racism Task Force is set to hold its first meeting next week, and plans to share information with the ARLIS/NA membership as the work progresses. Task force members are: Stephanie Beene, Arthur Fournier, Mar González Palacios, Natisha Harper (Diversity Committee representative to the task force), Dan Lipcan (Strategic Directions Committee representative to the task force), Heather Slania (task force co-chair), Amy Trendler (task force co-chair), and Kiana Webster.

2021 Conference Planning
The conference planning committee continues to meet regularly to plan for the program, and to assess the ongoing effects of the pandemic on travel and professional development. Although our discussions of the conference format have been about the different possibilities--an in-person conference, an all-virtual conference, and a hybrid of both in-person and virtual--our discussion of the conference content is consistently focused on planning an informative and engaging program. 

Planning for the future in 2020 is a challenge, and this is true of conference planning as well. The usual conference planning timeline has been delayed this year, but I am pleased to report that the call for papers is due to be announced soon. All submitters will be asked to be prepared to deliver their papers virtually, if necessary, and those who already know they would only be able to participate virtually in the 2021 conference are encouraged to apply. We are committed to supporting virtual participation in the conference, regardless of the ultimate format of the 2021 conference.

Management Company Transition
The work of the Management Search Task Force is nearly complete. Look for an announcement regarding the transition to a new management company by the end of the month. In the meantime, let me take this opportunity to again thank Nancy Short, Executive Director, and the staff of AEG for the work they have done on behalf of ARLIS/NA. The organization will continue to work with AEG through October as the transition to the new firm begins.

ARLIS/NA Membership Renewals
Membership renewals, which typically start in October, have been delayed due to the transition to a new management company, but renewals will start before the end of the year. As soon as we have an updated timeline, we will share this information with the membership. If you have a moment now, take a minute to check to see if your contact information is up to date in the directory by logging in to the ARLIS/NA website and clicking on "My Profile." Scroll to the bottom of your profile page to edit your information.

Thank you all for your patience as plans for 2020 continue to adapt and change. If you have any questions about these endeavors or other ARLIS/NA matters, please feel free to contact me.


Amy Trendler
President, ARLIS/NA and
Architecture Librarian
University Libraries
Ball State University       765-285-5858
Muncie, IN 47306         [log in to unmask]


The University Libraries provide services that
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and classroom instruction.


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