I am very sorry to hear this.  I worked with Helen as part of the A&A team from 1977-1986.  She was always able to provide the top art historians in their fields at Yale with all the visual material they asked for, and much they didn't know to ask for until she placed it before them. She was also an unwaveringly lovely person in an environment where good will could sometimes seem a rare commodity.  Her Slide Room was the social hub of the Art & Architecture Department, for her professionalism as a VR librarian was matched by her wit and charm as a hostess. She kept a wonderful departmental bar in a cupboard in the photographs room, that I think often added to the emotional intensity of many an introductory lecture downstairs.  I remember clearly stopping by Street Hall on a very cold December evening and her pouring me a large schnapps in a water glass to fortify me for the wait at the bus stop on the way home.  They don't seem to make people like Helen any longer, alas.



On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 10:32 AM Gendron, Heather <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Good morning everyone. While I did not have the pleasure of working with Helen Chillman, I know that some of you on the list may have. Helen recently passed away and her obituary can be found here: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/nhregister/obituary.aspx?n=helen-chillman&pid=196892275

Helen had a long career at Yale (around 45 years) and enjoyed visiting the Arts Library in her retirement. Our staff who worked with shared fond memories of Helen who sounds like a warm and thoughtful person with a deep love for art history. 

Heather Gendron

Director, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library

Yale University Library

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