

Hi Folks,

Yá'át'ééh abiní! Which means ‘good morning” in Navajo. It is Indigenous
Peoples Day! Today we should reflect upon and celebrate the history and
culture of the American Indian- a nation of people who were the true
founders of America and rightful owners of the very land we stand on today.
An extremely humbling thought. But what is ‘Indigenous People’s Day’? And
how do we celebrate it? Learning a couple of words in Navajo is one of the
ways I will be celebrating!

What is it?

And how can we celebrate it?

Natisha Harper & the Diversity Committee

*Carla-Mae Crookendale, **she/her*
Arts Research Librarian
Assistant Professor
VCU Libraries

Virginia Commonwealth University
James Branch Cabell Library
901 Park Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23284-2033
804 827-0367
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