Hi all!

Wanted to share this virtual tour that The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum produced for part of our recent annual festival, Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC):


If you're at all interested in comics and cartoon art, I think you'll enjoy it! Typically during this festival we give hourly tours of our facility, during which members of the public occasionally end up on the same tour as a famous cartoonist. In order to capture that same feel, we recruited some of our cartoonist friends and donors to submit cameos for inclusion in the tour. You will see/hear cameos from Gene Luen Yang, Laura Park, Art Spiegelman, Garry Trudeau, Mo Willems, Raina Telgemeier, Barbara Brandon-Croft, Hilary Price and Bill Watterson.

We were able to shoot the whole tour on our iPhones, and worked with our library communications department to edit it all together. It was a lot of work but a ton of fun.

Thanks, enjoy!

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