

Good evening ARLISians!

The good folks at OCLC have released the results of the REALM project test 4. You can read more below:

REALM Project update: Test 4 Results Announced 

The REALM project has published the results of the fourth round of Battelle’s laboratory testing for COVID-19 on five materials common to archives, libraries, and museums.  


Four of the five items—hardcover book cover, softcover book cover, plastic protective cover, and DVD case—were part of Test 1, but in this round, the materials were stacked to simulate storage in a book drop, bin, or on shelves.  


The fifth item, expanded polyethylene foam—commonly used in museum exhibits, storage, and shipping—was tested unstacked.  


View the results at  


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Larry Eames


Larry Eames (he/him & she/her pronouns)

ARLIS/NA Media Editor
Instruction Librarian
Kraemer Family Library
P 719-255-3290 | E [log in to unmask]



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