

Hello All,

I'm trying to help a grad student locate an exhibition catalog -- if one
exists. It's for the "Surrealisme" show at the Julien Levy Gallery in NYC
in 1932. The Levy Gallery archives have two letters from Andre Breton which
mention the catalog -- but I can't find it anywhere. All I've found is a
four page exhibition announcement and I wonder if that's what is actually
being referred to.

There was a book called *Surrealisme* published by Levy in 1936 but this is
not an exhibition catalog.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Karen Bouchard
Brown University

Karen A. Bouchard
Arts & Humanities Librarian

Rockefeller Library, Box A
10 Prospect Street
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912  USA

(she, her, hers)

Phone: (401) 863-3218

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