

Hello! Sharing new project updates on behalf of the researchers at OCLC:
REALM Project update: Fourth round of testing begins
Test 4 announced 
Five items were selected for the fourth round of Battelle lab testing to examine the length of time the COVID-19 virus may live on materials commonly used in archives, libraries, and museums. The study began on Friday, July 31, on items provided by Columbus Metropolitan Library and the National Archives and Records Administration. In response to feedback from the library community and discussion among REALM working groups, four of the five items selected for test 4 are similar book materials as were studied in test 1; for this test they will be stacked to simulate their common storage configuration in bins, book drops, and on shelves.   

Learn more about the materials tested for round 4 on the Happening Now<> page.
Visit the “Happening Now<>” for recent REALM Project updates; for more on the scope, timeline, and committees involved with #REALMproject, visit<>. 

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Be well ARLISians.
Larry Eames

Larry Eames (he/him & she/her pronouns)
ARLIS/NA Media Editor<>
Instruction Librarian<>
Kraemer Family Library
P 719-255-3290 | E [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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