

For a project I’m working on with students, we are trying to assemble a list of prominent historic women art historians (including museum curators), i.e., either deceased or no longer active.  We’re interested in the more significant names, but given the difficulties for female art historians to research and publish, I have no firm criteria for it.  The period we’re talking about would be roughly 1876-1970, US and western Europe, but earlier is fine.  I would be grateful for ARLIS colleague’s ideas on how we might go about this.


We have consulted already: 


Women as Interpreters of the Visual Arts (1981), Richter and Holcomb’s seminal research

Women writing art history in the nineteenth century (2014) Fraser


I’d also be grateful for the drips and drabs of bibliographer.  For example:


Women writing on art and artefacts (2018) chapters 6 “New disciplines: archaeology, anthropology and women in museums” and 7 “Ruskin, women and museums: service and salvage”


Many thanks,





Lee Sorensen, A.M., A.M.  (he/his/him)

Librarian for Art, Visual Studies and Dance

Editor, Dictionary of Art Historians

Duke Libraries Copyright Consultant  

919 618 2730 (temporary CoVID number)


Schedule Appointment with Lee   -  New books on art at Duke Libraries 

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Video meliora, proboque, deteriora sequor. Metamorphoses VII, 20-21


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